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All About Oxygen Regulators

If you need an oxygen tank, you need to make sure you are regulating the flow – with an oxygen regulator.  Generally, this is a part of the initial oxygen tank setup, but if not, you will need to add on this oxygen regulator attachment to make sure that you are making the most of your oxygen therapy.  Oxygen regulators are crucial to the therapy that your doctor or your loved one's doctor has prescribed.  Here are some things to keep in mind.


When the Flow is Off…


The first thing you need to realize about oxygen regulators is their importance.  What these devices do is hook up to the actual tank of oxygen in order to regulate the flow of oxygen to the tubing that then leads to the nose of the patient.  When you turn up the flow of the oxygen, the patient will get more oxygen, and then you turn the flow down, the patient will get less.  By following the orders of the doctor, the patient will get a steady stream of oxygen that is supposed to keep their blood oxygen levels at a certain percentage.  But if the flow of the oxygen is off for any reason, as shown by the oxygen regular, you might need to replace the oxygen tank or take the entire system in for a service call or a complete replacement.


Learn How to Use it Properly


When you first receive the oxygen tank with the oxygen regulator, make sure that the supplier can provide you with a full training session on how to use this equipment properly.  This will help you learn how to hook everything up properly, how to adjust the oxygen flow using different oxygen regulators (which is often the case when you have multiple tanks to use).  If you have any questions, make sure that you call the company to ask and read any literature that came along with the tank and regulator.  If for any reason, you need to get a new oxygen regulator, you will want to make sure you learn how to read it properly.


Kinds of Oxygen Regulators Available


There are numerous types of oxygen regulators you might be using, depending on the tank you have.  For example, for smaller oxygen tanks, you might want to choose something that's a bit lighter in design and weight – after all, if you went through all the trouble of getting the lighter tank, your oxygen regulator should be light as well.  There are also electronic regulators that can make monitoring your oxygen levels easier, while there are also large regulators if you have a larger tank at home by your bed.  Check with the tank supplier to see what oxygen regulator is best for you.


While oxygen regulators might seem a little scary at first, they're in place to make sure you are getting the most out of your oxygen tank system.  By learning how to use them, when to worry, and what kinds are available, you will be ready for using your oxygen tank right – or helping someone else with their oxygen flow.

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